Identrics. Customisable AI & NLP solutions that help you understand data.

Services / Media Contacts Database Automation

Never Manually Search for a Media Contact Again

Icon for the Media Contacts Database Automation service by Identrics.

Identrics automates the entire process of media contacts management, ensuring your database is always fresh and relevant.


Free up resources to focus on what truly matters - driving your business forward.

What is Media Contacts Database Automation?

For PR software providers, keeping a list of journalists fresh and up-to-date is a constant challenge. Identrics offers a solution by automatically acquiring new journalists’ contacts and updating all their meta information.

Ensure your database is always complete and that each journalist is linked to the topics they cover.

Why automate?

  • Saves time: Eliminates manual updates and allows you to focus on strategic tasks.
  • Always up-to-date:  Keeps your database current with the latest journalist information.
  • Improves relevance:  Ensure each journalist is connected to their relevant topics.

See the list of media contacts management services we specialise in below. 👇

Media Content From Every Country You Need

Tracking global media sources is essential for a robust media database. Identrics delivers media content that is automatically collected, cleaned, normalised, and stored.

With our Media Content Delivery, you can gain access to media content from around the globe.

Our source catalogue includes thousands of media sources, generating millions of articles daily. Integrate this content seamlessly into your workflow.

Each media article includes:

  • Title
  • Author
  • URL
  • Data
  • Publisher Name
  • Publisher URL 

Our datasets are prepared for machine post-processing, enabling smooth integration into your systems.

Stay ahead with global media insights.

Be the First to Have New Journalists in Your Media Database

This service is a perfect fit for companies that provide PR software tools and are looking for the latest information about journalists that is specific and actionable.

This solution dramatically improves the speed of new author discovery and increases media coverage. We provide data sets consisting of signals for new authors appearing in media publications.

The solution allows you to:

  • Instantly create a new journalist profile in your media database
  • Update details for journalists already listed
Make It Easy for PR and Communication Professionals to Find the Right Journalists for Their Pitches

Identrics can help you create a consistent database that follows a clear data organisation strategy designed to maximise customer experience and optimise your press release distribution services.

We achieve this through:

  • Taxonomy creation

We can create a rigorous organisation system of authors and publishers that will integrate the IPTC or any other  metadata standard with our existing client tags. 

  • Ontology creation

We can develop a strict ontology that provides a more accurate representation of the relationships between authors, outlets, and publishers, and allows you to store various types of knowledge about them.

Empower Your Customers by Expanding Their Targeting Options

Want to know what kind of topics, entities, or jurisdictions authors cover over a certain period? Identrics provides you with such information for each author.

The meta information on authors and outlets can improve your media contacts database and make it more effective for press release distribution.

It also empowers PR specialists by providing them with better targeting options that result in better response rates, which in turn means stronger value for their work.

Empower your customers by expanding their targeting options.

The Path From a Relational Database to a Knowledge Graph Database

Do you want to gain a better understanding of how journalists, media outlets and media publishers are connected, and improve the knowledge you can store about them?

Knowledge graphs provide a better representation of relationships between entities and allow the storage of unlimited amounts of information about journalists, media outlets and media publishers. 

Identrics can help you migrate your existing database so you can gain this unlimited storage of knowledge supported by a flexible data model.

Make switching from a relational database to a knowledge graph database effortless.

Why Choose Identrics?

As a leader in knowledge extraction and text generation services, we take and transform business data using tailor-made artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models. 

Our solutions range from data classification and indexing to content enrichment – such as named entity recognition, and sentiment analysis, all the way to automated content recommendation and generation.

Down to our very core, we rely on the following principles:

  • Continuous improvement: Evolution, not revolution.
  • Agile development: Flexible and rapid project delivery.
  • Consistent innovation: Stable and swift advancements.
  • Collaborative approach: Partner closely with your team.
  • Focus on efficiency: Reduce development effort, maximise results.

Transform your media contacts handling approach today!

What Our Partners Say?

“Identrics has revolutionised our media contacts management. The automation allows us to focus on more valuable tasks that drive growth.”

— Amrita Sidhu, Managing Director at Medianet


Medianet is an Australian PR and communication company which faced the time-consuming task of upkeeping and grooming an extensive database of over 36,000 media contacts.

We offered a tailored-made AI-based solution that enhanced Medianet’s approach to media contacts management. By automating the update process, we not only enhanced the accuracy of the data by 370% but also reduced the manual workload by 40%.

This synergy between Medianet and Identrics led to increased operational efficiency, allowing Medianet to allocate more resources to strategic tasks.

Ready to transform your media database?