Identrics. Customisable AI & NLP solutions that help you understand data.

Projects / CoDe


Tackling Disinformation Challenges in Bulgaria

CoDE Project Overview

Identrics stands as a technology partner within the CoDE project, an ambitious initiative focused on scrutinising Bulgaria’s information landscape. This collaborative venture brings together a consortium of notable institutions, with the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA) at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” leading the charge as the coordinating entity.

In tandem with Identrics, esteemed collaborators include the Faculty of Philosophy, the Institute “Big Data for Smart Society” (GATE) at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski,” the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the “European Software Institute – Center for Eastern Europe,” alongside additional technology firms Webcentric and Contipso. Representatives from diverse sectors of society actively contribute to this collective effort.

CoDe Project Impact and Beneficiaries

The CoDE team foresees that the project’s execution will make a substantial contribution towards strengthening society against detrimental elements in the information landscape, thereby nurturing a safer and more enlightened community. The efforts undertaken within the project in Bulgaria carry significant weight in safeguarding public opinion.

Who could benefit:

  • Media Organisations;
  • Academic Institutions;
  • Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs);
  • Business Sector Representatives;
  • Government Institutions;
  • Society at Large.

America for Bulgaria Foundation

Sponsored by the America for Bulgaria Foundation, the CoDE initiative unfolds over a three-year timeline, spanning from 2023 to 2026. With a primary aim to consolidate and deploy optimal methodologies for analysing the information landscape and societal dynamics, the project places significant emphasis on tool development, training initiatives, and collaborative frameworks to cultivate a thriving ecosystem.

Over its course, the project will mobilise teams from both the university and partnering organisations to cultivate a robust network for collaboration and innovation within the domain of information analysis. Progression through distinct stages including analysis, conceptualisation, rationalisation, and result demonstration will mark the project’s trajectory.

Identrics’ Role

The goal of this project is to contrast with what is currently happening with the fight against disinformation in Bulgaria – currently, the analysis id not instantaneous, it takes a lot of time. The tools that Identrics develops and offers provide the opportunity for faster reporting and analysis of information and detection of disinformation and propaganda narratives.

In this regard, Identrics’ role is to provide technological support for:

  • Data Aggregation Framework
  • Data Annotation & Dataset Design Platform
  • Data Discovery Platform
  • Event Tracking and Measurement Tool
  • Propaganda Techniques Annotation Platform
  • AI-generated Text Detection
  • Disinfo Datasets & Models
  • Research and integration of open-source OSINT tools
  • Knowledge Extraction (hate speech detection, sentiment analysis, social engagement analysis, entity extraction, topic annotation, article abstraction)

Identrics Team

Identrics Team

Get to know the key members of our dedicated team:
Nesin Veli

Nesin Veli

Simeon Martev

Simeon Martev
VP of Engineering

Nikolaos-Digenis Karagiannis

Nikolaos-Digenis Karagiannis
Software Engineer

Stoycho Dimov

Stoycho Dimov
Front-End Developer

Martin Evtimov

Martin Evtimov
Software Developer

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The support for the Funding Party and each project partner individually is provided by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. The statements and opinions expressed here are solely those of the Funding Party or the respective project partner and do not necessarily reflect the views of the America for Bulgaria Foundation or its partners.

The America for Bulgaria Foundation (ABF) is an independent, nonpartisan, and nonpolitical American grant-making foundation working in partnership with Bulgarians to strengthen the country’s private sector and related democratic institutions.

ABF builds on the success of the Bulgarian-American Enterprise Fund, an investment fund created in 1991 by the U.S. Congress with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development. For more information, please visit